BASM is entirely supported through donations and volunteer work. Please consider making a contribution.
Why Your Donation Is Important
All volunteers who staff our medical missions donate their time, professional services and money to make our work possible. Volunteers provide their own travel expenses to the remote communities we serve. Supplies are collected through the efforts of volunteers or paid for via funds from BASM donors like you. Local governments and benefactors provide food, housing, security and transportation for our team while in the Philippines, and administrative support is provided entirely by unpaid volunteers.
Monetary donations help purchase and transport the large quantities of surgical supplies (medications, instruments, bandages) that are used during our operation. All contributions go directly to the purchase and transport of these essential supplies. No funds are used for administrative overhead.
Please support our work by making a donation today. All contributions are 100% tax deductible.
Please support our work by making a donation today. All contributions are 100% tax deductible.
Donations can be completed electronically:
Donations can be mailed to:
Bay Area Surgical Mission 1301 Guerrero Street San Francisco, CA 94110 |
The Bay Area Surgical Mission's Federal Tax ID number is: 26-4239070.
Thank you!
Thank you!